The body is a powerful technology. The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs. The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. What we believe in our heart is what we tell the brain.  What we scroll through, we transmit like radio waves out to the universe and that frequency comes back to us in tangible ways. If we feel shame, guilt, and fear then we wear that lens and that is how we will experience the world. 

Our mission, if we choose to accept it is to remember our value |V| regardless of external circumstances, feelings, or projections. The value of |V| is constant and remains the same. We are perfect, complete, and whole with our imperfections. Our internal chatter has been forming for lifetimes and yet we are here to evolve beyond the stories and embody this truth.

This is a journey of how we get to love ourselves through it all, go wild with our dreams, and embody our gifts.

The modalities below have been life-changing for me in clearing trauma, removing energetic interferences, and gaining clarity of my value, my worth, and my passions. It is an honor to witness transformation with my clients and share this practice with you.

Cellular Resonance Technique

CRT is a scientific healing process that identifies and dissolves the specific stresses and traumatic interferences from the cells, subconscious mind, and soul energy field. Treats and identifies the root of the problem and restores the soul’s communication between the brain, nervous system, organs, glands, and all other tissues of the body.

Address generational traumas, core beliefs operating systems, and energetic disturbances, and you will get to the underlying causes behind symptoms and life issues. Disentangle from others, access the deeper interference patterns of the ego-mind running you and your life and unlock the innate healing potential that resides within the body and soul.

CRT is an evidence-based protocol researched and developed by Dr. Doug Lehrer. Based on neuroscience, quantum physics, medical physiology, embryology, neuro-immunology, neuroendocrinology, bioenergetics, and thermodynamics.

In CRQH, we focus on identifying and resolving the underlying causes of our client’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions —be it trauma, suppressed emotions, familial lineage issues, epigenetic factors, karmic stress, or other wounds. Our approach aims to update the brain and nervous system’s stuck survival mechanisms, thereby activating the client’s natural self-healing capabilities. Over the past 38 years, this methodology has shown remarkable success in addressing a wide array of acute and chronic challenges, supporting individuals on their transformative and evolutionary healing journey.”

Dr. Dough Lehrer Founder


Medicinal mushrooms assisted Intuitive BODYWORK

Medicinal mushrooms in combination with bodywork therapy and energetic healing, supports your immunity, heals your subconscious by dissolving trauma stored in the body, treating anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms:

  • Immunity support

  • Full of antioxidants

  • Supports brain health

  • Balances blood sugar

  • Supports a healthy nervous system

  • Increased energy and stamina

  • Hormonal balance

  • Ability to fight certain types of cancers


V is so much magic on the physical and quantum. After our session, clients reached out of the blue, new opportunities showed up, I felt deeply at home in my body. The space she creates is powerful.

— ZITA SAS, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Shakti Reiki

“Rei”, in Japanese, is universal and “Ki” is life force. “Shakti”, in Hindi is power and divine primal feminine energy. This healing technique channels vibrational energy signals through the hands, balancing your mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical body.


  • Heals unconscious patterns

  • Heals trauma from sexual, emotional, physical abuse

  • Heals physical pain

  • Enhances ability to show love and compassion towards self and others

  • Releases emotions and transforms mental suffering

  • Gain clarity, inner peace, self love, confidence

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